If you suffer from hyperhidrosis (otherwise known as excessive sweating), you may feel like you’ve tried every treatment out there – all without good results. But if you haven’t heard of miraDry yet, then it’s time to introduce yourself to a lightning-fast procedure that can end excessive sweating…

For good.

What is miraDry?

miraDry is an FDA-approved treatment for hyperhidrosis; it uses electromagnetic energy to effectively destroy the overactive glands that cause excessive sweating. Once those sweat glands are gone, so is the excessive sweating – and that brings about the kind of relief you just can’t get from antiperspirants.

The procedure is pretty straightforward. A local anesthetic is used to treat the underarm area, which helps keep the patient comfortable throughout the two-hour procedure. A small incision is made, which allows a tiny device to be passed through right to the treatment site. The end of the tube delivers pulses of electromagnetic energy. By the end of the procedure, most – if not all – sweat glands are destroyed.

Patients notice an immediate improvement in sweating. Most patients need only one procedure, although more extreme cases may require two treatments.

Am I a Good Candidate for miraDry?

You’re a good candidate for miraDry treatments if:

miraDry could be the solution you need to permanently end your underarm sweating!

miraDry at Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center

To learn if you’re a good candidate for miraDry treatments, schedule a consultation at Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center today. (770) 422-5557

Whether you’re planning on spending the winter traveling to warmer spots or fully enjoying the snow with family and friends, it’s important to equip yourself with winter sun safety tips. After all, we tend to be pretty vigilant about our skin during the warmer summer months…

But what about during the winter months, when we might think we can skip sunscreen?

Your skin needs to stay protected during the colder months, even if it’s snowing outside. With that in mind, take a look at the best winter sun safety tips, courtesy of Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center: 

At Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center, our dermatologists can help your skin stay healthy during the winter months and beyond.  To learn more about keeping your skin healthy and beautiful, schedule a consultation at Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center today. (770) 422-5557.

It may be winter, but that doesn’t mean your hair removal regimen stops. In fact, you find it more annoying than ever that you have to spend precious time shaving excess body hair. You want the shaving to end – but you’re not exactly about to embrace your body hair.

That’s why laser hair removal is such an excellent choice for people who want soft and smooth skin – without constantly going through the hassle of shaving. Laser hair removal uses pulses of laser light energy to target and destroy hair follicles; once these follicles are destroyed, they fall out. With consistent treatments, follicular re-growth slows down, resulting in smoother skin for weeks at a time.

If you’re interested in undergoing laser hair removal, here’s what you need to know before your first treatment:

Want to get ready for summer? Then start your laser hair removal treatments now. That’s because each procedure needs to be spaced a few weeks apart. If you end up needing six laser hair removal sessions, you’ll have smooth skin just in time for summer.

At Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center, we provide laser hair removal treatments for clients who want to break up with their razors.  To learn more about laser hair removal, schedule a consultation at Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center today. (770) 422-5557

It’s that time of year again. Dry, flaky skin makes a sneaky reappearance almost overnight. Battling dry skin associated with harsh, dehydrating winter months can take a little more effort than a simple moisturizing treatment you’ll find in a department store. For smooth, flawless skin in the dead of winter, you’ll have to bring the fight to the experts.

Don’t let the effects of cool weather and harmful central heating systems get the best of you. At Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center, we’re here to help. One of our board-certified dermatologists will exam your skin and assess any possible underlying causes.

Your dermatologist can recommend a treatment plan to help eliminate dead skin cells, as well as improve skin tone and texture based on your individual needs. A simple topical steroid may do the trick in some cases.

Other instances may require a more hands-on approach. A SilkPeel Dermalinfusion, for example, can stop dead skin cells in their tracks while rejuvenating skin with antioxidants, peptides, and other skin-friendly nutrients.

A Microdermabrasion treatment might be what you need if you also suffer from acne scars, persistent blackheads, or deep complexion issues.

Of course, there are several things you can do at home to maintain improved skin in dry, winter months.

Following the above steps can keep your skin looking fresh and youthful, longer.

Want to know which complexion treatment is best for keeping dry, scaly skin at bay?  Schedule a consultation at Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center in Cartersville, GA by calling (770) 606-8026 today!

The Visia Complexion Analysis System is a revolutionary way to quickly and accurately identify problem areas on the left, right and frontal facial regions. The all-new Visia System from Canfield is taking skincare consultations to whole new arenas.

We’re able to use this unique complexion analysis tool to more effectively create a customized treatment plan based on your skin type. The Visia System captures high-definition photos of your skin and stores them in the Skin Cancer Specialists records. We’ll then easily be able to track treatment progress during subsequent visits.

Your skin type can be determined by hereditary and lifestyle factors. Several hereditary factors include your heritage, natural hair color, eye color, and un-tanned skin coloration.

Lifestyle factors that may affect your skin type are smoking, tanning history, diet, and level of physical activity.

No matter what skin type you have or treatment option you need, we’re here to help. Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. and Aesthetic Center is dedicated to providing our clients with patient-centric approaches designed just for them.

We work with numerous insurance companies including Medicare. Before your visit, contact your insurance provider to determine if your procedure is covered and what co-pay you’ll need to make.

Schedule an appointment today and be one of the first to try out the innovative Visia Complexion Analysis System. Call (770) 422-5557 or simply fill out the form on this page today!

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to get rid of unwanted hair on any area of your body. Better yet, laser hair treatments can be done to conveniently nix hair on just about all skin and hair types so everyone can feel confident and fuzz-free all year long.

What Can I Expect During Treatment?

During your initial consultation with Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. & Aesthetic Center, your cosmetic specialist will guide you through the process of how laser hair removal works. Once you’ve decided to go forward with the procedure, you’ll be put on a fairly strict treatment schedule. This is because laser hair removal only works on hair in the anagen, or growth phase.

More than likely you’ll need multiple treatments for any given area. However, with the help of state-of-the-art technology and equipment, hair removal via laser is less time-consuming than ever.

Our Cartersville location uses the advanced LightSheer DUET laser by Lumenis which features High-Speed Integrated Technology (HIT), vacuum-assisted treatment, as well as ChillTip technology that keeps you comfortable throughout the procedure.

The handheld device suctions the treatment area to more effectively target hair follicles. Because the skin is closer to the energy source, pulses are absorbed into the melanin at the base of the follicle. In return, the heat damages and prevents the regrowth of your hair.

You may feel a slightly warm or itching feeling during the procedure. The procedure can take anywhere from 8-10 minutes for the upper lip, 20 minutes for the bikini or underarms, and 1-1.5 hours for back or legs. Keep in mind, this is a general rule of thumb. Your specialist will go as quickly or as slowly as you need based on your level of comfort.

What Results Will I Have?

Immediately after your laser hair treatment, you will likely experience slight swelling and redness. Some clients note sensitivity or irritation in the treatment area following the procedure. Typically, any side effects you have will dissipate within several days time.

Around the 2-week mark, hair will begin to regrow. You’ll notice it’s more sparse and finer than normal. Treatments will be scheduled between 4-6 weeks apart based on your hair growth cycle. Once you’ve completed all of your laser hair treatments, you’ll be hair-free for the long-haul. Say goodbye to shaving, waxing, and tweezing for good.

Ready to get the smooth skin you’ve always wanted? Contact Skin Cancer Specialists, P.C. and Aesthetic Center at (770) 442-5557. Click here to schedule a consultation or learn more.

If you’re discouraged by the appearance of your double chin, you’re not alone. Whether it’s genetics or fat that is resistant to diet & exercise, chin fat can be stubborn cosmetic issue. Luckily, there are new non-invasive option to reduce submental fat known as Kybella and CoolMini. Which may leave you to wonder: which is best for me?

Kybella vs. CoolMini - Double chin treatment Marietta

Kybella: Kybella is an injectable, formulated with deoxycholic acid, that is inserted into the skin to reduce the appearance of a double chin. It is the first and only injectable to be approved by the FDA for treating submental fullness, and does it all without invasive surgery or extensive recovery time. A typical procedure lasts about 20 minutes and most patients return to their daily activities immediately following the procedure. Most patients notice optimal results with 2 to 6 treatment sessions.

CoolMini: CoolMini utilizes the revolutionary CoolSculpting technology to treat stubborn fat on a smaller scale. The CoolMini uses a smaller applicator to target fat underneath the chin, essentially freezing and destroying the fat. The fat cells are gradually flushed out of the body through normal metabolic processes, with final results noticeable after just one or two visits. The CoolMini procedure is completely non-invasive and requires no downtime or recovery period. Most patients will read or even take a nap during a treatment session, and then return to work following the procedure.

The Verdict: Both Kybella and CoolMini are safe, FDA-approved procedures to dramatically reduce the appearance of chin fat. Because of their non-invasive nature, each procedure allows patients to see noticeable results without significant downtime.

The CoolMini is ideal for patients with loose or mature skin, and for those who would like to avoid injections entirely. One of the biggest differences between the two is that Kybella is performed through a series of small injections. Kybella may be ideal for patients who want to treat smaller areas of fat deposits.

Skin Cancer Specialists, P. C. & Aesthetic Center proudly serves clients in the Marietta and surrounding Atlanta areas! To learn more about treating your double chin with CoolMini or Kybella, or to schedule your consultation at Skin Cancer Specialists, P. C. & Aesthetic Center, please fill out the form on this page or call (770) 422-5557.

Have you ever looked down to see a new mole or noticed that a mole has changed in shape or color? While most moles are harmless, sometimes they may be a source of concern. If you should notice any changes in your moles, specifically if you notice irregular borders, or new moles it is important that you consult with your doctor or dermatologist right away.

If your doctor feels the mole looks suspicious, or is worried it could be a form of skin cancer, they will remove it and send it to pathology to have it examined. There are a few different types of methods for mole removal, but the most common are surgical shave and surgical excision.

Mole removal techniques

Surgical Shave: A surgical shave is a short procedure in which the mole is shaved down with a scalpel. To reduce discomfort, the area is numbed with a local anesthetic prior to the procedure so most patients don’t feel discomfort. Usually, only a small pink mark is left after the shaving takes place. This procedure is most suitable for raised moles.

Surgical shaves are typically utilized when doctors are concerned about a mole, but not enough to feel it needs to be completely removed, just enough to biopsy it. This is useful for diagnosing cancers such as basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma.

Surgical Excision: A surgical excision is slightly more invasive than the surgical shave, and is typically utilized when moles have cells that have grown beneath the top layer of skin. A local anesthetic is again used to numb the area so any discomfort is minimized. With this method, the mole is cut out with a scalpel, along with a small amount of skin surrounding the area. Cutting out these moles usually requires a few stitches, resulting in a small scar that fades over time.

Surgical excisions are especially vital in diagnosing aggressive types of skin cancers like melanoma. It allows your dermatologist to completely remove the mole, and they provide a large sample for the pathologist to biopsy and obtain the correct diagnosis.

Skin Cancer Specialists, P. C. & Aesthetic Center proudly serves clients in the Austell and surrounding Atlanta areas! To learn more about mole removal, or to schedule your consultation at Skin Cancer Specialists, P. C. & Aesthetic Center, please fill out the form on this page or call (770) 941-1013.

If you are dealing with stubborn body fat and are looking for ways to reduce it, then you have probably heard of CoolSculpting. It’s one of the newest and most innovative techniques for removing unwanted fat from parts of the body without invasive surgery.

CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved procedure that uses cooling energy to freeze and destroy stubborn fat cells. These targeted cells are gradually flushed out of the body through natural processes, permanently eliminating them for a smoother, more contoured physique.

The price for a CoolSculpting procedure greatly varies, depending on multiple factors like your target areas, ultimate goals, and number of treatments needed to obtain your desired results. While some patients may see results with one CoolSculpting treatment, most patients need 2-3 treatments for ideal results.

Another major factor that changes the cost of a CoolSculpting treatment is your specific area of concern. Smaller area like underneath the chin, can run around $750 per treatment. For most patients, however, the average cost ranges from $2,000 to $4,000.

The only way to truly determine how much your CoolSculpting session will cost is to meet with a certified CoolSculpting technician to create your customized treatment plan. This ensures that your goals are understood and the entire session is tailored specifically to your body. Most clinics offer introductory pricing, so it is important to contact them to learn about possible specials or financing.

Skin Cancer Specialists, P. C. & Aesthetic Center proudly serves clients in the Cartersville and surrounding Atlanta areas! To learn more about CoolSculpting, or to schedule your consultation at Skin Cancer Specialists, P. C. & Aesthetic Center, please fill out the form on this page or call (770) 606-8026.

As sunny summer days are come to an end, those summer months may have left behind traces of skin damage and hyperpigmentation. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Photorejuvenation is a revolutionary skin treatment option that uses a broad spectrum of light wavelengths to reduce signs of aging and treat sun damage.

IPL Skin rejuvenation treatment result

What does IPL do?

The IPL treatment is delivered through our Lumenis M22 laser which works by using intense pulses of broad spectrum light to penetrate deep into the skin. Each treatment builds upon the one before it, which allows the specialist to treat your skin gradually to see how it reacts. Depending on your skin condition, the machine will deliver the light at a different depth, targeting a specific area during treatment.

How many treatments are right for me?

It is recommended that patients complete 2-4 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart. The first reason to schedule them this way is because new skin cells take about 30 days to grow. By spacing out the sessions as such, you will ensure it has properly recovered and healed before it is treated again.

Are results permanent?

Unfortunately, the results from IPL treatments are not permanent as it cannot prevent the effects of aging and the environment. Yearly IPL treatments during the winter season can help remove some of the sun damage from the previous months.

To learn more about IPL treatments, or to schedule your consultation at Skin Cancer Specialists, P. C. & Aesthetic Center, please fill out the form on this page or (770) 422-5557 for Marietta, (770)-941-1013 for Austell, (707)-502-0202 for Newnan, and (770)-606-8026 for Cartersville.

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